I got another A in my English class. My last paper is due this Saturday and, as long as I get above a C-, I have an A for the course. The hard part for me would be not working my tail off on the paper anyway. I know I don't need a perfect paper, but I will have difficulty realizing that when I sit down and begin working on it for real. Alas, God why must I be a perfectionist?
My babies are WONDERFUL!!! As if everyone doesn't already know that. Madeline is so big. She crawls everywhere. If there is a way for her to stand, she pulls herself up and stands. She scales the couch, chairs, coffee tables, and anything she can hold onto while doing the little side walk, lol. She's also quite vocal. You'd never know such a big voice could come out of one so tiny.
Mariana is doing extremely well. She's very sweet and loves her baby sister. She's doing great in Ballet and still loves going to "Dance School" every week. Her recital is in June. She's going to go in dance over the summer as well. I think its important for her to stay in it, since at her age consistency is best. She's also going to be in Fairy Magic Dance Camp this summer. It is one week long from 9 AM til Noon everyday. I think she'll love it and I think it will be a great way for her to be around other children.
I still have sweet little Lily throughout the week. She's a gem to have around and she and Maddy are pretty much on par with development. In terms of movement and such, they both keep my hands full. If i put them in the stroller and take them anywhere, I get "Oh TWINS!" They don't look like twins. But 2 babies at the same height and age, one mom, what else are people to think? My favorite statement... "GOOD LORD HAVE YOU GOT YOUR HANDS FULL!" I reply, "Oh no, they aren't twins. This one is my daughter and this is my niece." To which I get, "Are they the same age?" I want to look at the person and say, "No, she's 9 months and she's 23." But of course, I cannot be THAT rude... So I reply, "1 day apart." Some people are relieved for me that they aren't twins and then others want to know how me and my sister-in-law managed to get pregnant so close together. Hey if their parents didn't explain it to them, and they didn't figure it out when they had babies, who am I to inform them....
I've started working. In a manner of speaking. I've become a Partylite Consultant. My first party is this Saturday. Meghan will be my first hostess. I'm excited about it and I shall update how it's going periodically.
Phil took his last two tests toward his certification. One more class and my hubby gets his Professional. Hurray!
Thats about it. Sorry these get so long. If I kept up with it, they'd be shorter and more frequent.
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