Phillip and I have been thinking that it is time we move. Our family has been fantastic and very supportive. I never imagined that we would all blend so well into one household, but we did.
Unfortunately, with another baby, it just feels a wee bit cramped. We've spoken over it again and again and decided that by the end of the year, we will probably have our own apartment. I've been dragging my heels really looking at places.
I'm excited at the idea and sad at the same time. When Phillip and I got married. It was the first time I'd moved from my parents home. I went straight from their house to Phil's family's home, my current home. I remember driving away with my car full of boxes. I stopped a brief moment and cried. I was thrilled to be married and moving in with my husband, the love of my life. But part of me cried for the closing of a chapter in my life. I imagine I will feel the same way when we move from here. I love my family. By that, I mean that I love my in-laws... I very rarely refer to them as my in-laws, because they are simply my family. It's almost like leaving home for the first time again.
Eventually I'm going to have to get this process going though.