The apartment we were planning to move into will not be available until mid October at the earliest. The previous tenants apparently did not take good care of it, and the tub is cracked, the carpet is ruined... SO, we had 2 options. We could wait until at least the second to third week of October or move into the apartment next door to the one that we were previously moving into. In which case, we can move as early as the 21st of this month.
Phillip and I elected to move to the new apartment number. I've already begun packing and I cannot see myself living for an additional 2-3 weeks at the least the way it is now. My head is spinning with how quickly all of this is occurring. This time last month we hadn't even looked at any apartments and now, we will be moved in less than 2 weeks.
Packing has been interesting with the 2 children. But as always, my family has been helpful and supportive. My mother, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law have been helping me with Mariana during the day, and Maddy still sleeps a great deal. Things aren't getting done as smoothly and quickly as I typically like, but it's getting packed up... Who would have guessed that you could accumulate so much stuff in so little time?