Mariana is 26 months old. She's never had a problem sleeping through the night and she always slept in her own bed in her own room. She's in a toddler bed.
She used to complain about bed time and my husband and I created a night time ritual to get her adjusted. Every night we tuck her in together. She says goodnight to everyone who is at the house, gives kisses, we change her into pajamas, she gets in bed without a fuss and we cover her up and say goodnight ourselves and such.
For the past 7 days EVERY NIGHT she has gotten up. I don't mean immediately after. I mean between midnight and 3 am. I walk her back to her room and put her back in bed, and sure enough within 45 minutes she's back at my bed "Mommy, I wake." I've tried skipping a nap and putting her in bed at the typical time, didn't change anything. She just keeps getting up. After about 3 hours of playing this game, I'm so exhausted that I put up her playpen next to my bed and then she sleeps there.
Is this typical? Does anyone have any suggestions? I just want to sleep well. I've been joking about how she's just preparing me for the newborn coming in a few months, but seriously!