I think I've been dealing with life and school quite well. I'm thrilled with my marriage and I love my daughter. I'm there for my family and I'm passing all of my classes with flying colors so far. But, today sucked. I missed my first (and hopefully only) class this semester. I have been in bed all damn day. In fact, I'm posting this from bed. Everything has been going so well and then today, BAM, my health acts up. WTH. Out of no where. I've passed out twice today, fallen once from dizziness, and spent the rest of the day in bed to avoid the falling because every time I get out of bed I get light headed. I mean, honestly, how sucky is that. Oh well. I'll go to bed tonight and hopefully wake up tomorrow and be back to my normal healthy self.
My teacher said she understood quite well and has a similar condition, so I'm not worried about her reaction anymore. If anybody is reading this, say a prayer for me that this is a one day deal.
The good news in it is my husband is a god among men. He called in to work today. He's taken care of Mariana, made me food, brought me drinks, served me dinner, and just all around made sure that I am completely taken care of. Man did I hit the jackpot when that man fell in love me with.