Madeline and I are home. She's a sweet little baby. Mariana seems to love her little sister already. We were fortunate in the fact that I am able to breastfeed Madeline, at least for now. Hopefully, my health will continue to bloom as she grows so this will not change.
She was 20.5 inches long and 7 lbs 0.3 oz. She has a head of hear, can you believe it? My little Maddy was born with hair, and I don't think she'll lose it, but we'll see.
I cannot believe we've been gifted with 2 little girls. Phil and I are so happy.
In more news. Meghan and Alan were blessed with Lily just 1 day after our Maddy was born. Lily is a cutie pie. Meghan's delivery didn't go quite as planned. After quite a bit of painful labor, she had a cesarean since Lily was breech. I told her that she can feel blessed in knowing her next delivery will be as easy as Maddy's was, since I remember the discouragement I felt at having a C-section with Mariana.
Meghan and Lily will be residing in the hospital for a little bit. Probably just a few more days. Lily has raised white blood cells, so she has to be given an antibiotic. Please pray for them.