I'm doing really well. Phil and I are as happy as ever (to which I know many of you are rolling your eyes and saying, "Of course, duh!") Baby number 2 is half way here. I'll be 21 weeks pregnant on Thursday and for those of you who don't know it, pregnancy is typically a 40 week process. My next appointment is on the 27th and after that I'll have another ultrasound. That ultrasound will tell me whether or not my placenta has moved away from my cervix, so here's hoping... We're also hoping to get another confirmation on the fact that we're having another girl. They were pretty sure on the last ultrasound, but I'll believe it better after they've seen "girl parts" (as the ultrasound tech put it) twice.
Phil's doing really well in school and settling into teaching even more with each year. Next year he'll even teach an AP course. He's looking forward to that.
I've been getting back into my scrapbooking and working on Mariana's baby book. I know I'm horrible, she had to turn 2 before I started it, but I have started it and it is going well. I've also discovered the extremely fun game Guitar Hero II. I haven't been on WoW too much recently, but not because I don't want to ever play anymore, just because I've been on kind of an off period with it.
Mariana is getting enormous! By that I mean big, not fat. She's growing really tall and beautiful and she's really growing up. She can count to 6. I don't know why 6, but she particularly likes 4-6. She's also getting rather good at identifying her colors. I'm very very proud of her and everyday she reminds me of how grateful I am to be her mother.
Right now the poor girl has a fever and is rather miserable. I, too, am sick. One of the joys of being a parent... I seem to have a cold far more often since she is forever picking them up from cousins or other family members who get it. While I can avoid them, I cannot refuse hugs and kisses from my adorable child.
So, that's what's going on. What it boils down to is I am blissfully happy. I'm enjoying my life and I'm eternally grateful to God, Phillip, and my family for everything they give me.