School is going well. I am currently writing my first paper. It is about John Donne's usage of imagery in his love poetry (mostly discussing "The Sun Rising" and "The Good Morrow") and how the persona in these specific poems creates a microcosm of their love and relationship. More or less, that's it with that. I feel rather confident in my classes this semester, and I believe I will do quite well. Phillip has been ever supportive and helpful. His classes are also going quite well.
I've begun keeping Lily during the week. That has been surprisingly easy to transition into. The easiest and most difficult part of my day is nap times. Lily and Maddy somehow ended up on the exact same schedule before I ever began watching Lily. They both nap between 8:30 AM and 9 and again sometime around noon. This means that i have two tired 6 month olds at the exact same moment. Both refuse to go to sleep on their own and require love and affection to take them to dreamland: which means that I have one cranky crier until the other falls asleep. But, they are always asleep at the same time which makes the hour that they are asleep that much more worth the effort of getting them to sleep. It has been fun and enjoyable having her in addition to my two.
I've also seen Mariana open up and begin playing with Lily in the same ways she plays with Maddy, which has been fun to see. She treats her as an additional little sister, and she plays with her and entertains her. She has been very helpful and sweet.
Maddy is getting rather big quickly. The other day, Lily was sitting in the walker and Maddy was showing interest in seeing the tray so I took her over to it and she grabbed the tray to the walker and stood there by herself while I let go. Later, I demonstrated this to Phil and Madeline stood there for a full 5 minutes.
That's pretty much all that is new for now. I'll try to write again this week.
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